Hamilik Okulu is here for you, Are you ready?
Apply to the Hamilik Okulu Bosna, and you will find guidance for your profession and your life.
Total seminars
What is Hamilik Okulu?
The Hamilik Okulu Bosna Program is a 2-year long initiative designed for university students in Bosnia. Hamilik Okulu aims to teach students the intricacies of a job or profession, while also fostering the development of “Usta’s” in their respective fields and simultaneously instilling an approach within the framework of “Ahlak”.
The word "Ahlak" originates from Arabic and is used in Turkish to denote "morality" or "ethics." Its etymology traces back to the Arabic root "ḥ-l-k," which conveys meanings related to behavior, manners, and ethics.
"Usta" is a Turkish word used to refer to a master or expert in a craft or profession. It is rooted in the Persian word "ūst" (اُست), which means "teacher." This term is used to denote someone highly skilled and experienced in their profession.
"Okul" is a Turkish word that means "school" in English. Its etymology traces back to the Arabic word "maktab" (مكتب), which also means "school." "Okulu" is the locative case of "okul" in Turkish. So "Okulu" translates to "school of" in English.
Ahlak & Discovery & Tree of Tawhid: A Meaningful End to the Term
1st of March Independence Day
The Türkiye Camp
An unforgettable start to the journey of learning and growth, the Türkiye camp serves as the gateway to our two-year training program in Sarajevo. Designed to facilitate student interactions and introduce them to one another, our camp journey also includes an opening lecture to articulate the goals of the program.
4 days
Professional Awareness Dirlik
In this Dirlik, seminars are provided to students under the theme of profession, aiming to help them grasp the relationship between the concept of “profession” and the “ontological existence dilemma” of humans. Within this framework, interactive seminars progress through questions, starting from the purpose of life and existence.
6 Weeks
Discovery & Inspiration Dirlik
In this Dirlik, those aspiring to be explorers first set out to discover themselves. The KID is an adventure of self-discovery; a journey embarked upon to explore “ourselves”. Journey of discovery can span a lifetime, but preparation for this discovery can be undertaken through this program.
12 Weeks
Human & Entrepreneurship Dirlik
In this Dirlik, seminars include finance, marketing, and new trends in entrepreneurship. It is a journey of designing an end-to-end product with a focus on humanity, where ahlak and profession are practiced in the best possible way. This journey begins with exploring one’s inner insight. During the insight exploration process, motivations and emotional states within one’s subconscious are analyzed using various unique methods.
18 Weeks
Our Concepts
Hamilik, derived from the Turkish word "hami" meaning guiding and protecting, draws its essence, from the traditions of Ahilik and Tradesmen Organizations. This concept encompasses a holistic understanding of humanity and the responsibilities that come with it. Hamilik not only teaches a trade but also instills values and principles essential for ethical and responsible conduct in society.
"Dirlik" emerges as a term to describe productive units functioning harmoniously and systematically, considering all aspects of existence—ethical, aesthetic, and technical. Drawing inspiration from ancient-etymological roots, this naming reflects a concerted effort toward unity in the endeavors of Hamilik Okulu.
Frequently asked questions
How can I participate in the Hamilik Okulu Bosna program?
You can apply to participate in the Hamilik Okulu Bosna program by filling out the application form published on our website every year.
When and where are the Hamilik Okulu Bosna classes held?
Hamilik Okulu Bosna classes are held in Sarajevo on Saturday mornings. The class hours for each level are shared with the students at the beginning of each semester.
Who gives the lectures?
In the Hamilik Okulu Bosna program, classes are conducted in the form of seminars based on mutual sharing. The seminars are delivered by professionals working in middle to senior management positions at leading companies in their respective sectors.
How long does the Hamilik Okulu Bosna program last?
The program lasts for a total of two years. Students receive classes from four different levels over the course of two years. Upon completing these two years, students will be eligible to participate in an internship program arranged in Turkey.