Introduction and Flow: “Focus on the process not the results”

Our first class of the term, filled with great excitement, began with an opening by one of our kalfa’s in the Discovery and Inspiration Dirlik, Muhammed Yusuf Özcan. In this class, we delved into the concepts of “discovery” and “inspiration,” examining the etymological meanings of these words.

We then learned about the various wonderful classes we would undertake this term. Following that, we pushed the limits of our imagination with one of the most enjoyable Discovery and Inspiration Dirlik activities: the sandwich workshop. After thinking outside the box with our activity, we listened to the stories behind each sandwich prepared by our students.

In our second class, one of our usta’s, Emre Memiş, took us on a journey of “Flow”. We discussed numerous concepts, such as optimum experience, process orientation, and hedonic adaptation, and explored what being in a flow state means through examples. Our lesson touched on a wide range of examples, from the steppes of Canada to the depths of the gaming world, as we contemplated the moments we are in flow and discussed methods to increase these moments. We learned that true flow emerges when we tackle challenges that match our abilities, escaping apathy.

After reflecting on lessons from the Al-Inshirah Surah and contemplating, we concluded our lesson with a memorable sentence: “Focus on the process, not results.”

Are you ready?

Look to the future with much more confidence.